Heater - Cooler Mixer

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Heater Cooler Mixer

We offer a complete range of Heater Cooler Mixer for production of both rigid and plasticized PVC dry blends. These Heater Cooler Mixer Ahmedabad compact units are a mono block construction and consist of a separate mixer, cooler and operation platform that gives flexibility for installation and maintenance. A unique mixing impeller, using smooth values, gives a speedy mixing action and fast frictional heating. The cooler with large water cooled surfaces gives a cooling time normally quicker than the mixer heating time. They find wide industrial applications especially in the plastic industry. One of the major application are these mixers is the processing of dry blend in firm and plasticized PVC, thermoplastic, pharmaceuticals etc. These products are of authentic quality and in confirmation with the international quality standards. It is a combination of high speed mixer and cooling mixer. The combined unit consists of a separate mixer cooler and operators giving flexibility for fixing and protection.

Special features

  • Minimal maintenance required
  • High  in efficiency
  • Unmatched performance
  • Optimum quality
  • affordable prices